Most Valuable Photographic Tool?

Jim Goldstein writes:

The Loss of My Most Valued Photographic Tool

… On this trip I lost something which previously I never gave much of a second thought to and which I’ve since realized is one of the most critical components of my photographic arsenal. What could possibly be so key and why?

The answer — my cable release.

Keep in mind I’m not just talking about the impact of losing a piece of equipment. I’m talking about losing something that is an extension of ones mind and body critical to the creative process….


(Click his title link to read the full post at his blog.)

I understand. Not only about forgetting something, but about how important this silly little thing called a cable release is to the process of making a photograph. There is something about setting up the shot and then waiting, cable release in hand, as light changes, clouds move across the ridge, people move in and out of position… and you stand back or to the side of the camera watching and waiting… and holding the cable release.

– Dan


Photographers, Zabriskie Point

Photographers, Zabriskie Point.

Photographers, Zabriskie Point. Death Valley National Park, California. April 4, 2007. © Copyright G Dan Mitchell. (Sales)
